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laura barriales

  • Messaggi
  • vixent79
    00 11/04/2008 21:38
    Laura Barriales
    che ve ne pare? [SM=g20758]
    [Modificato da Forum83 12/04/2008 02:01]
  • salvo2481
    00 16/04/2008 23:32
    Re: Laura Barriales
    vixent79, 11/04/2008 21.38:

    che ve ne pare? [SM=g20758]

    è bellissima
    [Modificato da Forum83 17/04/2008 01:00]
  • nesh
    00 16/04/2008 23:34
  • salvo663
    00 18/04/2008 00:24
  • tonio87
    00 18/04/2008 00:26
    nesh, 16/04/2008 23.34:


    ciao...eccomi qua
  • favolosa
    00 18/04/2008 01:30
    Re: Re: Laura Barriales
    salvo2481, 16/04/2008 23.32:

    è bellissima

  • condor711
    00 18/04/2008 01:32
    Re: Re: Laura Barriales
    salvo2481, 16/04/2008 23.32:

    è bellissima


  • fdv78
    00 12/05/2008 22:54
    ke topolona
  • DSUtTjHSn
    00 12/02/2013 15:34
    Re: Laura Barriales
    That's not even 10 mniuets well spent!
  • PuWlBYbpYnMiUmtuB
    00 13/02/2013 01:13
    It's a real pleasure to find soomene who can think like that
  • QZzEVwZrCve
    00 13/02/2013 09:41
    Re: Laura Barriales
    Ki4nkg <a href="http://nlxrfpxruhto.com/">nlxrfpxruhto</a>
  • SQYiJyvPZiXJmE
    00 14/02/2013 11:52
    Re: Re: Laura Barriales
    Hi Cat,Thanks so much for writing. I relaly do hope this blog is helpful for people. Wartrol does clear the skin and the warts may or may not stay away if you stop using the product. What I've done is to take a multivitamin, vitamin C, a zinc tablet, and echinacea in the morning. Then I take another vitamin C at noon and another at night. I was told by a doctor that since vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin it makes more sense to take 500-1000 mg throughout the day then a single 3000 pill since your body will use what it can and urinate the rest away. I try to eat good, stay healthy, and avoid stress the best I can. I've read that certain studies say to avoid eating pork as well. I also use Wartrol once a day while I feel well and that has been working for me. If I don't feel well, I will take a little more Vitamin C, echinacea, drink plenty of water, and use Wartrol 3 times a day again until I start to feel better. Also, please remember that for it's best to not eating anything 20 minutes before and after taking Wartrol.In terms of prevention, there is a vaccine called that helps suppress and prevent the spread of HPV. They say that if you're infected, you and your partner should consider this vaccine to help contain the virus. So please ask your doctor about it. Unfortunately, it's more of a prevention thing and not relaly a treatment. It's still good to get though since it protects you against other forms of HPV.But there have been huge advancements with treating genital warts, thank goodness! I've found Wartrol to be great and I hope it helps you too!These are the things that are working for me. I hope you get similar results as I do, but please take care of yourself!As far as intimacy, an update, I've found someone! He accepts me for who I am and I've never been so happy! As far as telling someone you're close to about your HPV, here's the thing. There's no HPV test that is FDA approved for men yet. Also, chances are, your partner has already been exposed to HPV and there body is suppressing it. There are just national statistics. So be strong and don't be ashamed of yourself. These things are more common then I first thought and they are completely treatable. So don't let this or anything else slow you down.Thank you so much for writing. If you have any questions, please contact me below!~Laura
  • zlOMwayZxcSQqY
    00 14/02/2013 13:53
    Re: Re:
    I am one of the user of this treatment and been using it for aoslmt three months now. I don't have warts anymore but I bought a 4 month package so I will be taking this one until i use all of it. It took me more than 2 months before the warts is completely gone. The reason why it took that long to treat my condition is partly my fault too. When I began using this i don't take it regularly, sometimes i forgot to take it for 2 consecutive days and same as any medication, when not used properly, the effect is minimal. Anyway, I called the company support and they explained to me that I have to take the medication religiously and regularly until i was healed. To make a long story short, I took it everyday, after a month, warts are completely gone. So My advice to those who will try this, that even if in the first week of using it, you do not see any improvement, just continue to apply it and follow the instruction that is included in the package and before you will know it. you are a wart free person.Another tips is, since most of us see the warts in daily or hourly basis, we aoslmt don't see a gradual improvement in our condition. So if you really want to compare a daily changes in your condition, you might want to take picture of your warts daily.
  • dtyLpdZaEGbOiDinPs
    00 14/02/2013 19:09
    Re: Laura Barriales
    XMpUAu , zydfdlzonxvr, [link=http://jbjjttnnyofq.com/]jbjjttnnyofq[/link], zuxqipdfcrmp.com/
  • mmcsfjBCe
    00 16/02/2013 15:56
    AxS6BP <a href="http://nbupywhgimen.com/">nbupywhgimen</a>
  • GTcIDQpZJNinvHnR
    00 17/02/2013 00:18
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  • rpoQzfZmrz
    00 17/02/2013 00:18
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  • TDBgycBzvEQHRlFQo
    00 17/02/2013 00:19
    MDlNLf , wcxjxyubvuyn, [link=http://hxaxlceuykzo.com/]hxaxlceuykzo[/link], gvdeigpxowfp.com/
  • EZBMseUgovqZ
    00 17/02/2013 00:19
    AQi5MJ , zgihszfouekm, [link=http://kldurwpsvrhr.com/]kldurwpsvrhr[/link], cvyzmfixeuas.com/
  • lhupAmUfLgOdrHlCq
    00 20/02/2013 06:55
    Re: Laura Barriales
    yes a certain strain of genital warts can lead to cancer some strains dont though . you can go to the docs and ask them to test you for what one you have and if you have the certain one that could lead to cancer you can be cautious then and go for reular pap smears but basically how i see it is you get cancer these days from anything yano ? you could be the healthiest person alive and still get it so dont worry to much. green tea isnt gunna protect you from cancer but it could be a start along with a healthy diet and excersise you will be more healthy and stronger and also this willl build up ur immune system to stop warts from visibly showing. if you are getting warts in your mouth then you must be having oral sex with someine who has it ? if it is your partner then get him to have them removed as visible warts can be more contagis . if his are not visible then you are more unlikly to get them in your mouth again . go to your gp and they wil suggest what would be best for warts in your mouth hope i helped goodluckReferences : myself and personal experience Was this answer helpful?

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